Friday, June 5, 2015

Please Leave Email

To the people that plan to leave comments that i fine but please leave an email because i cant share the file if i don't have an email so please leave an email in your comment or email me personally either on is fine thanks.
                                                                                                                 Musical Trading

Sunday, May 31, 2015

Gigi New Cast Recording

"Gigi" New Broadway Cast Recording Great soundtrack you know what to do....

Side Show New Recording

I have "Side Show" the new cast recording leave a comment or send me an email if interested

Something Rotten (Original Broadway Cast Recording) + Booklet

I just got a copy of "Something Rotten" You Know what to do.

On the 20th Century (New Broadway Cast Recording)

Recently acquired "On the 20th Century" as always leave a comment if interested or send me an email.

On The Town (New Broadway Cast Recording)

I have "On the Town" the new cast recording leave a comment with name and email and i will share or send me a private email if you're interested.

I'm back

I don't know if people still come into this page but I am working on getting the recent cast recording for this season send me a message of leave a comment under any of my posts with what you are looking for igf i have it i will share it with you we can also exchange totally fine with either.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Sorry for the delay

I would like to apologize to all of the people that are waiting for soundtracks, I have not forgotten i have gotten all of your requests but I've been extremely busy with school and work both non stop and it is just me running this and sending things out I will be getting all the requests out soon when i get a day of from both. Again sorry to all the people that sent me emails with request i will get them out as soon as i can
                                                                                                                  Musical Trading